Gorgeously graphic rugs that transform any room

Five beautifully woven, affordable rugs in vivid colours and harmonious shapes.

An eye-catching debut collection of large scale, geometric-patterned rugs in uplifting, vibrant hues - a 21st-century take on retro graphics creating a distinctly modern, bold and exuberant kaleidoscope.

Each rug is made of 100 per cent New Zealand wool and the colourways are also available with custom colour matching to meet your exact dimensions, offering different degrees of scale.

"Anyone who knows me will appreciate just how excited I get about rugs," says interior designer Aviva Duncan.

"Rugs are a complete game-changer. They divide a large space into separate zones, add colour and personality and feel gorgeous underfoot. However it is often difficult to find pieces with character. I love mixing and matching patterns and the unexpected, compelling effect of geometry and graphics. Living with these rugs optimism and originality would lift the spirits of anyone."

Lattice rug

Lattice rug

Facet rug

Facet rug

Erte rug

Erte rug

Joy rug

Joy rug

Rand rug

Rand rug